Meet Courtney Zak

How long have you been a member of The Community Farm and what brought you?
I have been a member almost 5 years, and I first came to talk to Carol about being a physician assistant as I was applying to school that fall. While I was visiting, Carol kept telling me to come ride “that big grey mare” and I haven’t left since then.
What kind of riding/showing do you do?
I show in 3-day events right now but grew up in the jumpers.
What is your favorite thing about TCF?
The relaxed atmosphere and lack of drama or judgement. Everyone is really supportive and encouraging of one another .
What is one of the most valuable lessons you have learned in/from your time at TCF?
I have learned how to think of horseback riding as a group effort and community endeavor vs competing against one another.
What horse/horses do you ride? What do you love about them?
Right now I ride Cannon, and I love that he is sensitive and smart but willing to listen to me. He has also been very fun to work on desensitizing with!
Anything else you would like to share about TCF?
It is the best place for people who love horses, horsemanship, and understand that riding isn’t just about sitting on the horse. If you are lucky enough to fit in with our weird group, then you will stay for life.