No matter your experience, budget or interest, there is something for you at The Community Farm.

Lease an Animal

Everyone can find their heart horse (or donkey, pony, goat, pig, chicken or rabbit) at The Community Farm

Buddy Up with a Burro

Hike, run, maintain trails or pack a picnic with one of our burros.


We are a community run and maintained farm, we are always looking for people who would like to join us.

Join for an Event

From yoga with the goats to reading with the rabbits to summer horse camp, there is always something fun happening on the farm.

Our Community

What do members love about the farm?

"I love being able to get out to the barn and out on the trail- it is my stress relief!"

Halley Horse Lease

"My kids have learned so much in through their riding lessons and can't wait to start 4-H! The Community Farm makes us feel comfortable without having any animal experience."

Katie L
Katie L Parent

"If you can dream it, you can do it here at the farm. We want people to use this as a place of connection, creativity, growth and healing for themselves and animals."

Carol Owner and Founder

Events & Updates

King Soopers Community Rewards

Did you know that The Community Farm is enrolled in Community Rewards through King Soopers!

Now you can feed the animals while you feed your family!

Follow the steps below to link your rewards card and earn donations for the farm.

Follow this link (

  • 1. Sign into your account
  • 2. Click on “Select an Organization/Change Organization”
  • 3. Search for The Community Farm in the “Find an Organization” search bar
  • 4. Click on the blue “Enroll” button
  • 5. You should now see the “Donation Summary”, indicating that you are enrolled with “The Community Farm” as your organization
  • 6. Shop as usual, making sure to provide your King Soopers Card or Alternate ID at checkout
  • 7. Donations will be sent directly to the farm