All posts by thecommunityfarm

Meet Erin Kurtin

Erin & Rico

Why did you join Pony Club? How long have you been a member?

Pony Club’s emphasis on sportsmanship and responsibility instantly drew me to the program. All of the opportunities Pony Club has brought me have advanced my skills as a rider as well as sparked my interest in equine care. I have been a proud member of Westwoods Pony Club since June of 2019, and have enjoyed expanding my knowledge of horses and getting closer to my teammates.

What is the most challenging part of being in Pony Club?

The most challenging part of being in Pony Club is getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Taking steps outside of my comfort zone hasn’t always been easy. However, my goals as a rider have helped me gain confidence and try news things my past scared self couldn’t even imagine!

What horse/horses do you ride? What do you love about them?

For most of my time spent at The Community Farm I have leased Rico! He has helped me overcome so many fears and continues to take me to new heights. Rico has taught me to stay flexible and think both logically and realistically even in stressful situations. The love and patience he has shown me over the last year I will forever be grateful for. Without him I don’t know where I would be today! 

Anything else you would like to share about Pony Club or The Community Farm?

I love that the Community Farm is a safe place to love, learn and grow. All the fun memories I have there inspire me to further my self as an equestrian. So thankful to everyone who has helped me get to the place I am now!

Summer Camp

Summer camp at a barn- there is no better way to spend the summer while learning new skills and making new friends.

Camp at The Community Farm gives the camp experience, in a safe and fun environment where campers will learn new skills, gain leadership and agricultural experience, and have some good farm fun.  This is the perfect way to give your child an exciting and new experience and perhaps foster a lifetime love of horses and riding. All ages welcome, even the very young ones

Camps begin June 15th and run through July.

Please contact for pricing, schedule and more information.

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Covid Riding Schedule

Hi TCF Family,

We have really missed all of you!  Next week I think it will be safe and responsible to let each lease person have one ride a week as long as you follow the below guidelines:

  1. you are not sick, have any symptoms, no close contact with someone who has been sick, no fever
  2. you use good social distancing when you are here (at least 10 feet away from each other)
  3. You wipe down any surfaces you touched while you are here
  4. You can stay 1.5 hours (you can stay longer if you are doing a service project)
  5. You keep safety in mind…now isn’t the time to go to the hospital
  6. I would love it if while you are here you do a service project (such as: cleaning, making a video that we can post to our website about an educational aspect of the farm, building a jump, weeding, etc)

My hope is that we can have some sense of normalcy while still staying responsible and safe.

Please login to the members page to see the schedule